Penicuik Rugby Football Club Code of Conduct
Our Rugby Club is in the process of working towards Positive Coaching Scotland accreditation. In the light of some recent, high- profile incidents at other clubs and an acknowledgement that we are perhaps not immune from criticism ourselves, can we take the opportunity to state – clearly – our Club’s position.
• Shouting and/or swearing at match officials or players of either team is totally unacceptable.
• Remember that everyone is here voluntarily – to enjoy himself or herself. Your actions can either enhance or detract from other people’s enjoyment. We owe it to each other to make visiting Penicuik Rugby Club an enjoyable experience for all. Only by doing so will we encourage more players – of all ages – to join us in growing the game and securing the Club’s future.
• We aim to build a positive environment. If what you want to say is not constructive, then don’t say it. Don’t highlight failings or mistakes; instead, try to suggest ways that things could be done better and help us all to improve.
The way that we behave on and off the pitch defines the impression we give of the Club to others, be they officials, opponents or prospective players.
Responsibility for giving a good impression lies with us all. If you see or hear others not following this code of conduct, please have a quiet word with them and remind them about it. If there is no immediate improvement, please speak to a member of the Management Committee.
Thank you for your assistance in making Penicuik Rugby Club a great place to be.
NOTE: This Code of Conduct is an extension of the SRU Code of Conduct, copies of which can be found on the Club website and the main notice-board in the clubhouse.
PRFC CODE OF CONDUCTPauline Pender2020-02-29T16:58:13+00:00