Dear Mini and Midi players and parents.
After some considerable discussion, we’ve reluctantly come to the conclusion that it is sensible to draw a line under the season-that-never-was and bring training to an orderly end. As such, there will be no more Hunters, U14s, U16s or U18s training until the start of next season. I’m sure this will be disappointing, but in “normal” times we would be finished by this weekend anyway. With no prospect of games on the horizon, all we are effectively doing is providing an additional opportunity (admittedly small but non-zero) for community transmission with very little positive payback to counter balance.
We’ll look to come back in August as per normal and hopefully we’ll get a proper season in 2021-2022.
In the meantime, I’d like to thank all the coaches for all the effort that they’ve put in this season. It has been far from easy but they’ve all gone above and beyond to make sure that we got something running for the kids whenever it was safe to do so. I’d also like to thank all those who worked with Gavin to make sure that we kept our Covid-19 mitigations up to date and up to standard.
And finally, I’d like to thank Correen for all her efforts in corralling and organising the youth rugby throughout the year. It has not been an easy situation, but once again all our volunteers have managed to make the club a fun and safe place for kids to enjoy themselves.
Stay safe, and keep an eye on the website/Facebook/Instagram/Twitter etc. for more club news.
As always, #weArePenicuik.
Club President