Membership fees are now due for the coming season and we’re pleased to be able to offer an early payment discount again this year.
If you want to be involved in the best club in the world as a player, a coach or just in a social capacity then you need to be a member. Paying your subscription gives you a say in how the club is run, and allows you to play, train, coach, support, use the club’s facilities, socialise in the bar and take part in club events. For full details of the benefits of club membership, please see
This year due to the Coronavirus pandemic, we are trying to do as much as possible online. We have a new membership form and details on how to make electronic payments. The Membership Forms for season 2020/21 is available here or from the club website. The forms also incorporate Permissions Forms for Mini and Midi players which must be completed for all players under 18 years of age.
Subscription amounts are the same as last year, at £70 for Full, Joint or Family Membership and £45 for Patron or Junior Membership. We are also pleased to offer a £10 early payment discount offer, which we have extended to the end of October this year as we recognise that some of our members will have been adversely affected by the current pandemic.
Completing the electronic form and making a Bank transfer payment will help us enormously to keep our records straight and we thank you in advance for your assistance in this.
If you would like to discuss any issues or problems surrounding payment or any other aspect of club membership, please email Dawn at