The club is sad to note the recent passing of Colin Hunter. Colin was a member of the club for many years and aside from his playing, will also be remembered as a key part of The Fu’ Shillin’, whose music kept us all so well entertained on many occasions in days gone by. After leaving Penicuik a few years ago to live closer to his daughter, Mary, Colin joined the Whitecraigs club where he soon became as well-respected as he had been at Penicuik. He was delighted that his grandson – and Mary herself – both took up playing at Whitecraigs too.

Colin’s funeral will be held on Tuesday 15th December at 2:00 pm and will be live-streamed at to allow those unable to attend to follow and to pay their respects from afar. We’ve been asked to NOT post the username and password details on open fora, so if you would like to join the stream please email us at or message the club Facebook page.

In the meantime, our collective thoughts are with Colin’s wife, Jane, and their family.