Thanks to Shand & Burns Financial
We want to extend a special thank you to Shand & Burns Financial for their unwavering support throughout the season. Their commitment to our rugby club is greatly appreciated.
We wish Will and Alan all the best for 2024 and look forward to welcoming you to your club day out later in the season.
For all your financial planning needs please contact Will and Alan
Shand & Burns Financial
Who we are
Honesty, collaboration, respect and creativity are the pillars of our business. Our purpose is to help clients achieve the financial future they want and we understand this comes with great responsibility on our part. Clients are front and centre of our business and our role is:-
- To assess their current circumstances and fully respect future aspiration;
- Build financial plans with our clients, so they feel involved and in control of their future;
- Be honest with our assessment around whether clients can achieve what they are looking to do;
- Be creative in respect of the product solutions to help clients meet their future goals.